spring is coming!
ghost child
Kevin's birthday was last week and the children spent the morning decorating the house, the afternoon relaxing and snacking and then we ended the day with a sunset family walk to a playground (with a dog in tow, of course).
A simple celebration for a simple man.
About a month ago or so I mentioned that my family and I haven't been sick since last August (when I got my EO kit and started using thieves oil). Well, perhaps I should have knocked on wood because poor C is down and out with a stomach bug right now. She asked me to make her a bed in the bathroom and is now camping out in there. I keep trying to convince her that her own bed would be much more comfortable but she would rather stay as close to the potty as possible. I have been making many cups of peppermint tea (from our mini garden last summer) and rubbing essential oils on her tummy. K has been vigilantly staying by her side and reading her story after story. C is having a bit of a time keeping liquids down so I made her some electrolyte popsicles to help replenish her system (we just froze the coconut and lime version from here). I made extra, too, because it's highly probable that the rest of us will soon have this stomach bug as well. Right now I am just trying to keep us afloat while waiting for that other shoe to drop.