And as the skies turn gloomy,
Night winds whisper to me,
I'm lonesome as I can be.
I go out walkin' after midnight,
Out in the starlight, just hoping you may be
Somewhere a-walkin' after midnight
Searchin' for me
- Walkin' After Midnight sung by Patsy Cline
I grew up on Patsy Cline. My Grandma listened to her quite often. I still love listening to her now. In fact, for awhile K thought that the song above was about our kitty Midnight, and was sung just for him. Oh how I love her imagination. Whenever the two of us see a willow tree, we start singing "The Midnight Kitty song". It's as if we just can't help ourselves. We both dream of having a willow tree of our very own someday. It's such a great tree with endless possibilities for play. I can still remember the feel of the branches between my fingers and toes from the willow tree behind my grandparents' home.
We visited this particular willow tree for a picnic after VBS last week. My children could have spent all day playing in the shade the big tree provided for them. They tied branches together to make swings, created crowns from fallen branches and pretended to give special willow medicine to their sick dolls.
Further proving that children do not need very many toys. Nature along and their imagination is more than enough.

K and Midnight 2007
p.s. - Thank you for your advice on the washer! I am still researching, and it seems the more I research, the more confused I become! I hope to have a decision by this week *fingers crossed*

Marigold Jam · 554 weeks ago
sustainablemum · 553 weeks ago
isaida · 553 weeks ago
KatieatMSH 1p · 553 weeks ago
Kate · 553 weeks ago
Mardi · 553 weeks ago