
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Waldorf mermaids & a backyard water park

waldorf doll mermaid tails Waldorf doll mermaid tails IMG_6100Waldorf doll mermaids IMG_6086

Finally, pictures of my ocean themed knitting I had been mentioning over the course of the summer! I finished these awhile back but just wasn't able to find the time to snap pics. The girls special dolls became mermaids via this knitting pattern. I altered the pattern just a bit to make the tails into full outfits. The girls have been playing mermaids with them pretty much non-stop. Such a fun way to incorporate their most treasured friends into our lessons.

IMG_5478 IMG_5477 IMG_5481 backyard water park IMG_5497 IMG_5511 backyard water park

As summer was nearing it's end and our ocean learning was coming to a close, the girls decided to make a backyard waterpark. They were inspired, once again, by Martin and Sylvia. They told Kevin and I that they could only use things we already had in our home or garage. They played some water spray bottle tag, water mud kitchen and made their own slip and slide with some garbage bags anchored into the ground with thick sticks. All three of my children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the waterpark, which really had absolutely nothing to do with our ocean studies - that is until a shark appeared in their water fun...

land shark attack!

Nara AKA Land Shark. Oh how she loves to attack play in water.

backyard water park IMG_5597 land shark IMG_5588 IMG_5599

Little L finds her shark antics quite entertaining. I do, too!
