
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Her nose is painted pepper sunlight

birthday trail IMG_6321 IMG_6270 IMG_6276 IMG_6278 curvy board love IMG_6307 IMG_6342 IMG_6295 IMG_6298 IMG_6320 IMG_6360 IMG_6359 IMG_6368 her nose is painted pepper sunlight
Her sweet little nose is painted pepper sunlight.
"Daddddddddddddddy! Can we please go eat now?"
"Daddddddddy! Can we please go eat now?"
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One day last week K woke up earlier than usual, got dressed, put on her birthday crown and followed the trail of pumpkins to her birthday table.


 Can you believe it? I sure can't. Didn't she just turn four last year?? Oh my, how time really does fly.  But looking at these pictures of her I can see my little girl is growing fast! She even has her very first wiggly teeth - the two top front ones (you might remember her previous ordeal).

That sweet K of mine is so very affectionate, creative, reverent and defiant, and takes her role as big sister very seriously. There is definitely a reason she was our first born. She is always watching out for her siblings and loves to teach them anything and everything she can. She hopes to someday become a nun or a mama - she tells me that she can't decide between the two just yet. I just love her and her aspirations and am so proud of her (and her new found confidence.) She never ceases to amaze me. I can't wait to see what surprises she has in store for this next year of life.

We enjoyed our traditional birthday meal at Bob's Red Mill and then came home for vegan carrot cake. There was a slight disaster with our "cream cheese" frosting but it still tasted good so all was well. As far as presents go, we always try to keep things simple and stick with the motto "Less is more". This year it seems like she somehow got more than usual, though. C needlefelted K a sunflower. C also teamed up with Little L to roll and decorate the candles for the birthday ring as well as hand dip the birthday cake candles. K got a curvy board (best thing ever!) from all of us and a puzzle from Kevin. I found her a couple of Waldorf early readers, and made her our traditional birthday sweater and dress  skirt (more on those later). Nana and Grandpa gave her a potholder loom, some alphabet cards and a couple of books and Purple Grandma got her some much needed rain/snow boots.

Later that evening...

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I spied my birthday girl quite meticulously crafting a rainbow on her new loom while little brother decorated himself with the loops she cast aside.
