
Monday, January 14, 2013

On the up and up (and getting by with a little help from my friends)



Thankful for distractions like a package of my favorite yarn arriving at my doorstep. What child could pass up winding yarn?!

Things have really slowed down around here the past few days. K came home from school with a miserable headache on Wednesday which then led to an earache on Thursday, many doses of our homemade earache remedy by the cozy fire on Friday, and lots of rest and cuddles over the weekend. I must admit I enjoy times like these, as weird as that sounds. I mean I don't enjoy any of us being sick but just the closeness it brings - drinking warm tea by the wood stove, reading story after story, knitting here and there, being surrounded by all my little ones as we snuggle together in a big heap along with an occasional dog or three...
I hope my sick ones feel the same way and get some comfort from that.

Nurse Nara stayed by K's side while she was sick, even allowing Little L to dress her up to make K  giggle. As for his choice in dress up clothes - I finished knitting that second hat for myself during this down time and the little ones and I decided it looks remarkably like a hedgehog when turned inside out, as you can see on our Nara model!


Just look at those eyes! She such a sweet girl.


Little L and C tried their best to be calm for K but they can only take so much! They were feeling quite cooped up by the time the weekend came around but I think our 20 block walk to the wood stove store on Saturday helped to release some of that energy. Phew! These two really keep my on my toes!

I wanted to thank you all again for your comments on my post last week. I really want to reply to each individual post because each and every one touched my heart more than you could ever know. It made me so happy to hear from so many of you, too. Comments keep this blog world going! I was beginning to wonder if I did something wrong and this beautiful community I am a part of had moved on without me. So again, thank you!!

Here's hoping we are all on the up and up!
p.s -I am humbly asking for your help (again)! Frontier Dreams was nominated for the top 25 creative moms award (thank you!), and I would be thrilled to make it in the top 25. Would you mind clicking on the link below or on the icon on the top of my sidebar and searching for Frontier Dreams. You'll have to scroll down the page a tiny bit to find me - look for the picture of K dressed as little red riding hood with our husky Paw Paw. Once you find me just click on the orange button that says "vote" next to the above mentioned picture. That's it!

You can vote once every 24 hours until January 30th. I will keep the icon up on my sidebar until then as a gentle reminder, if you happen to have a free moment.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your help!!! ♥ ♥
