Remember that felted pumpkin K and I made so many years ago?
K's beeswax pumpkins
One of our wet felted acorns (tutorial here)
Our family nature table has it's own Halloween/lantern walk/Martinmas thing going on right now. My children and I do two lantern walks. Our family lantern walk around the neighborhood on Martinmas and then our school's lantern walk at a local garden. The school's lantern walk is done near Halloween.
The girls' nature table (located in their bedroom) is much simpler. I love to see how they decorate it. Let's ignore the non existent molding at the bottom of the walls. If only we knew fixing up a house was so much money/work before we bought it!
Living room seasonal pictures and the girls' bookcase with their autumn books(beautiful needle felted bird by The Singing Bird).
See, all that bees waxing eventually paid off! More garlands to come in the rest of our house.
Apple tree over the girl's table (and felted pumpkin at their doll highchair)
Autumn tree in the girls' bathroom
Lastly, the nature table at our home away from home (K's classroom at school). I had this great plan to get a picture of K's classroom nature table every time it changed this year. I have already failed at that plan as this is the first time I took pictures of it. Ov vey!
Be it ever so humble, theres no place like home!