
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rhythm In Our Home : Deliberate Days of the Week

(apologizing in advance for these dark photos)

As you probably already know from previous posts , every day of the week has a corresponding activity in our home. We have come to really rely on the simplicity of this. It's been so helpful that I am actually in the process of devising a cleaning strategy/rhythm around our daily rhythms. Maybe that will get me into shape when it comes to housework!

A couple of posts back a great question was brought up by Laura about this. She asked,
" I was wondering how your daily theme works out? Do you have a set time for the painting/ craft/ baking in your day (I don't mean clock time but within your daily rhythm). Also what happens when the kids want to bake/ paint etc on days other than a day that is say painting day? Do you let that happen or guide them to wait for the appropriate day? Thanks a million x x "

Although I answered her question via the commenting system I thought I would address it in a post, as well, and go more deeply into our daily activities.
Our baking day (Monday) seems like a great place to start.

K is currently on summer break so the timing of our daily activity right now is different than during the school year. We pretty much had it down, doing our activity shortly after we picked K up from school each day. It took me quite awhile to figure out when the best time was in our summer days. After just stepping back and watching how our days naturally flowed (and when we were all at our happiest) for a couple of weeks I decided the best time for us would be after breakfast clean up. If for some reason we have something else scheduled during that time (for example: an appointment) then we just do our day's activity when we come back home.

K singing her bead baking song she learned at school (I wish I listened more carefully to the words so I could share it with you)

Doing it right after breakfast helps to make sure the activity gets done that day (instead of putting it off all day like I used to do and then some days it wouldn't happen- much to my little ones' disappointment). It's also good for us because baby L tends to take his first nap of the day then and we are all already together in the same room, so I don't have to interrupt play to get them to join me.

I try to already have what we are doing planned out (at least in my head), but I am always open to changes from my little ones. For example I may have decided on us baking bread but K really wants to make carob cupcakes. As long as we have the ingredients, and both girls are in agreement then we will switch over to what they want.

This brings me to the second part of Laura's question.
We bake a lot in our home - almost every day (I'm addicted to baking, I admit it, it's not hard for the girls to convince me to bake), so what makes our baking day different from the other days? I think it's the matter of how we go about our baking on that particular day. It's a very deliberate act with the girls in mind the whole time. This day and this recipe/project is for them. They have their hands as much in the project from start to finish as is possible (K more so than C only because her age makes her more capable to do so.)
This is the day of the week we like to try new recipes (Often times we skim through our Bob's Red Mill Baking Book and pick something) and new adventures. Some baking days we'll add on other fun kitchen projects like making homemade butter or whipped cream, to go with what we have baked.

K making butter

The other days of the week the girls may or may not be in the kitchen with me as I am baking. If they happen to be with me they will usually join in, but they tend to be off playing together most of the time. To answer the question simply, though, yes they do these same activities other days of the week but without any planning or as much emphasis on them.

Today we made some rosemary bread to go with our tomato soup dinner and inspired by Baby L's tolerance of goat milk, we ventured into a Home Creamery project.

We love spending the process of making something together but I do think their favorite part is eating what they created later on!

Please remember - this is just our family rhythm and what works for us at the moment. This isn't meant to be hard and fast rules on how rhythm should go in every one or any one's homes. I just thought to share it because I receive quite a few e-mails asking about our home rhythm, and I also just wanted it documented for me to remember when they are older and on to another rhythm.

Thank you, again, for joining me in the rhythm fun! Here is the linky list. If you have a (new or old) link you would like to share about your family rhythm, please enter it below so that we all may see. Then please link back here in your post. I look forward to seeing your inspiration!
Thanks friends!

There is still a chance toenter to win two beautiful fine art prints from DovieMoon here.
