
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Living in the Moment

I don't know exactly how I do it. I always have the best of intentions but then I somehow fall behind. At this moment I have managed to fall behind in just about everything - e-mails, phone calls (any correspondence, really), deadlines, housework, sewing...I could go on, but I won't bore you. Falling behind is not the end of the world by any means but it makes me feel a bit inadequate and guilty for not following through on things. You want to see just how far behind I am right now? I'll give you a visual (besides the mess Bhakti is sitting on in the picture above). May I present my desk:

I always joke around with Kevin that the state of my desk represents my current state of mind. So I think you can understand where my head is at! No wonder I am having a hard time finishing up projects - How could anyone with that mess? Geesh!

I gave up on it all today and went out with my family to the local air show. Kevin has to work it every year for his job and K loves going to see the planes, so it all works out quite nicely.

This year it was a bit too hot for our taste so we only stayed a few hours.
We went back home and got down to business starting with some monkeys helping with the dishes (because we didn't have any clean ones to make dinner).

Eeeek! We haven't ventured out to get groceries yet this pay period, but luckily we did stop by the farmer's market yesterday on the way to Baby L's specialist appointment (news on that later)...Zucchini for dinner, it is!

Eh, I'll catch up another day, (ahem starting with comments on here!)right now I want to enjoy where I am at.
Here's to living in the moment!

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win two beautiful fine art prints from DovieMoon here.
