
Friday, May 1, 2009

Birthday Pics and K art

I am still working on the tutorial but it's taking a tiny bit longer than planned,it's been a hectic couple of weeks. I apologize. In the meantime I thought I would share a couple things that are making us happy right now.
First is C's birthday pics we had done on her birthday. She's such a ham for the camera!

Next is K art spread through out our house.

Her painting wire hanging in our living room

Pictures she decorates our fridge with

Her embroidery work. She just started doing this about 2 weeks ago after seeing me work on C's crown and loves it! This is her second project. She decided this one needed buttons (thanks Erin for giving us those buttons!)

This was a drawing she made for me. She said it's a flower child. I fell in love with it and embroidered it onto some fabric. I may make it into a pillow or part of a quilt. I am not sure yet. Right now it's hanging on our wall.

I hope everyone is doing well!! I'll be back with that tutorial soon!!

I forgot to add..anyone have any extra buttons hanging around they want to get rid of? We love using old buttons for crafts :)



Anonymous said...

Adorable! Love the flower child(ren) - both the embroidered one and the cutie in the crown ;-).

Joy said...

What a cutie that K is! C is doing a fabulous job with the artwork. Her embroidery is so sweet. :)

Anonymous said...

Darling girl and lovely birthday things created by her mama. Would you mind sharing where you found those cool striped candles for her birthday ring?


Jennifer Johnson said...

You got some amazing photos of your littlest one for her bday. And Ks art makes me happy just looking at it.

Unknown said...

c and k are looking so much alike!! both gorgeous..:) love k's art...what a great idea about embroidering some of it..i may steal that one..hhehe.

Colleen said...

I LOVE the flower child embroidery. Children's artwork is always so wonderful. What a great way to preserve it.

Peace Creek Dolls said...

I heart the flower child as well.. I have been wanting to do that craft for a it hard to copy your kiddos drawings, did you trace it then stitch it?
Love it xx

FrontierDreams said...

Thanks everyone! I love how much creativity seems to be just flowing through K's veins. She is so amazing!! <3

I can't take credit for the idea of embroidering K's artwork. I found the inspiration from Soulemama's blog <3

Joyce- I got the beeswax candles from the company that makes the birthday rings (speil and holz). I *think* you can get them from The Wooden Wagon.

Ruralmama- Hi! Yeah I traced it so it would be as close to exactly the same as her artwork as possible. I had to do a double tracing job for that one. It was on purple paper with an orange crayon,so I couldn't directly trace it. I had to use tracing paper and a black sharpie over that and try to follow it then trace with a pencil the traced copy onto the fabric. It was worth it though! But I think in the future I'll try to do ones she drew on lightcolored paper. Tee hee.

Marina said...

Sigh... such a precious girl! Love the art :)

Spearmint Baby said...

that embroidery work is too cute :)

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