
Friday, April 24, 2009

A Very Happy Birthday!

I first wanted to thank everyone for your kind words and thoughtfulness. Thank you so much! You all inspire me to work harder and create more. I do not deserve your kindness and am humbled and speechless! Thank you!! I will get working on the tutorial ASAP (before I forget how I made it because it's all in my head)!

I am just now returning to computer life after my baby's birthday and a wonderful visit from my Mother in Law. I just wanted to do a quick post, I'll be back with more once things are a bit more settled. Here's a few pics from her birthday, I didn't get much and they aren't great but they will have to do.

She did end up wearing her cardigan I made her :) It got too warm though and I had to take it off her but at least it's on her in the professional pics. She has plenty of growing room in it, so I am happy.

Her birthday ring all set up for when she woke up:

The only pic I really got of her in her crown. She kept taking it off on me :p

Handmade goodness:

Big sister didn't let her open much but she loved ripping the paper when she could! (gotta love the paper mess everywhere):

Snack area pics (and cake topper that was mine as a little girl):

Her birthday 'cake' a gigantic banana. She seemed quite happy!

I will be back with pics of her C baby (and other things). She is so sweet. C loves her and so does K. K tries to steal her all the time from C. Rohini and Gopita's Dolls on Etsy really outdid herself!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!



Anonymous said...

Such cuteness! Glad it was such a special day!!

Joy said...

Awww...she's such a cutie pie! Happy birthday! I can't wait to see the doll. It looks like the festivities turned out wonderfully. :)

Marina said...

Happy Birthday to the darling and precious C! What a wonderful celebration!

Jennifer Johnson said...

Happy birthday to a sweet little girl. Thanks for sharing her with us.

Nicole said...

Hey, the only pic I got of Pita Pocket in his crown shows me holding his arm down so that he can't rip it off! I think you got a *great* picture of her in her crown. :)

Oh, btw, thanks for your reply re: Kinderkram.

Jessica said...

Wow, Nicole, the crown turned out so good...nice of her to at least let you snap one picture!

I can't wait to see the doll and her other little me ideas for Kaiya's 2nd birthday in May!

Becky said...

Looks like a fantastic day!!!!
She looks so adorable in her pink Hanna Andersson! :)
Yay for bananas, so no sugar highs, then lows! :D

dottyspots said...

Ah! Happy Birthday to her!

Tan Family said...

What a lovely birthday! Beautiful pictures of the spiral, crown and everything. Inspiring...

Deborah said...

I love the crown for birthdays! I'm new to Waldorf (I have a 22 month old) and we're taking a parent/toddler class at our local school. Found your site through Waldorf Mama. Love your site. Will be back often :-)

FrontierDreams said...

thanks! it's a fun journey into waldorf!! i look forward to hearing from you more :)

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