
Friday, August 5, 2011

Mail Call!

I apologize for being so late with announcing the winner of the giveaway.You can see it here. Thank you again everyone for entering. I wish I had extra copies for all of you!
I was so late because Kevin was at search and rescue training later than planned and now he is off to the emergency vet with our dear kitty Midnight. He very suddenly lost weight and is throwing up blood. We don't know what is wrong with him but it's not looking good. If you wouldn't mind, please keep him in your thoughts. He's K's special little kitty and I don't know what would happen if we lost him.

Anyways, on to something completely different.

Ever sense I gave up using my credit card to buy things we didn't have the money for ahem, opening our mailbox has become quite sad to me. I haven't even had the chance to participate in craft swaps, lately, and boy do I miss them! I used to watch for the mail lady every day and get so excited when it was time to run down my driveway to that magic box that held beautiful treasures from all over the world. Even postcards and letters made my whole week. It was almost like a drug for me. I would get so thrilled. Alas, the only things we get now are bills and junk mail. Blah. Wheres the fun in that?!

But then the other day a package arrived at our door. I think I may have let out a little squeal when I saw it was addressed to the girls and I. It was from Purple Grandma and oh what fun was inside! I read her letter while the girls tore the box apart, it really made me smile.

She sent us a sweet nativity book and enclosed a picture of Kevin as a little boy dressed as one of the three wise men for a church play. The girls love seeing daddy like this, and frankly so do I (there have been some faith issues around here)!

She also sent some hair clips for the girls. What do little girls do when they see a whole package of hair clips before them?

Why put them all in their hair at once, of course!

But the absolute best part of the package... you ready??

A complete set of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. Not just any set but the set we have been searching for, one of the early releases (1950s) with Garth Williams' illustrations. Do you know what a hard time we have had trying to find these? She found them at a local antique store and thought of us. She always has the best luck. Most of my beloved Butterprint pyrex came from her. We are so very grateful for her thoughtfulness.

Look at this, it even still has the original fabric ribbon on it and the original owners' name. I think you all know how much we love Laura Ingalls Wilder and just how much her stories inspire us and the way we live, so you must know how huge this was for us!

Since the books are old, they are fragile so we keep them up on a high shelf for now. We started reading 'Little House in the Big Woods' right away. We will continue reading this book over and over until the girls are a bit older and ready for the rest of the books. I have to admit we are having a bit of a time with some of the things in the book. Since the girls are being raised as vegetarians and they are so young - we are not quite ready to go into detail about animals being used for meat. So we have to skip over those parts but some are pages long! Eh, we'll get by.

Pure ecstasy, I tell ya! Thank you Purple Grandma!
