
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Full O' Sheep

Warning : Ridiculous amount of pictures...again.

Well my friends, shorties season is upon us. Ok... not 100% yet here in the woods on our mountain, but every few days or so it's hot enough for them. The latest shorties I knit for Baby L are another one of my frugal finds. You know how excited I get over these kinds of things so bear with me.

A few months back I was at Joann's with K, my self declared 'craft shopping helper,' and we ventured into their yarn section. I didn't expect to find anything as I have only found acrylic and other artificial fibers there in the past, but this time was a little different. They had a teeny, tiny wool section. In that small section a color jumped out at me, I walked over to it and it was this yarn:

Surprise, surprise - the color I was drawn to was turquoise. I knew instantly that it was meant to be made into much needed shorties for Baby L. The yarn was rather inexpensive to begin with but I also had a 50% off coupon so I think in the end I paid about $2 for it. Yeah, I heard the angel choir singing over that.
One skein was just the right amount to make a size medium pair of picky pants (my absolute fav diaper cover pattern) shorties style.

He debuted them (ha,ha) at one of our Walnut Hill play dates the other week and has worn them quite a few times since. The length of the shorties is a bit too long, in my opinion, but because I made them a medium instead of a small, he'll grow into them and wear them again next summer. My rav notes can be found here.

This pic was taken after they had been worn quite a bit, as I am sure you can tell. I really should get better about taking the pictures before the item is worn. I'll try to remember to work on that. The bright side to this is that you can see how my bargain yarn is holding up. It's not pilling too badly, it's a bit rough but yet soft enough for a diaper cover and does great at containing the wetness. I am sold on it. Perhaps I'll be using more coupons towards this yarn again in the future. I really do need to start looking ahead to the fall and winter and getting enough longies ready for Baby L, unless he doesn't mind living in peachy-pink all the time...

And just because I couldn't end a post with pictures of only the bottom half of Baby L

More works in progress, soon. What are you working on? Happy creating!


On another note squeal Thank you everyone for your thoughtful comments on yesterday's post. Your words made me smile! Kevin just got home with the computer, at almost midnight, so I will be responding to them all, soon. Right now my eyes are shutting as I type! Thank you, again!
