
Monday, July 4, 2011

Sellwood Bridge is Falling Down

The past week, during Purple Grandma's visit out here from the east coast, we spent lots of time in the pool at her hotel...

lots and lots of time

and neither one of the girls wanted to leave.

When Baby L and I weren't swimming, I sat and watched his raspberries as I got a little bit of knitting done.

It calmed my nerves with my little ones being in the water. Kevin was with them the whole time (and myself part of the time), but I have been having some pretty vivid nightmares, and even flashes during the day, the past couple of months dealing with drowning. Mostly drowning from a bridge collapsing (you can't drive anywhere in Portland without having to cross a body of water) and I somehow have to get all three of my little ones to the surface. I feel sick to my stomach even thinking about those dreams. They have shook me to the bone, in fact, so much so I now keep a hammer in our van at all times, and we are saving up for at least K to have swimming lessons. I am following my gut on this one. *shudder* Ok, moving on now... back to the visit.

I fell in love with a drawing K made for Purple Grandma, so of course I needed to take a picture of it before it went home to Pennsylvania. K said it's two mice and a friendly dragon.

We drove out to Tillamook to attend the June Dairy Parade. Kevin was required to go for his job so the rest of us tagged along.

The stars of the parade! K wanted to walk in the parade with Daddy. Once it started, though, my normally outgoing little one became very shy (as is evident in this photograph) and didn't want anyone to look at her.

My future farm truck was in the parade,

along with my tractor eh, ok I can dream, right?!

C choose to stay on the sidelines, instead. Ahem - ignore her dress, please... details on that coming later this week!

There were flea market visits, eating out at Bob's Red Mill,savoring sweet baby goodness, and plenty of time to just be. I do believe it was a fun visit for all.

Now that it is over we are slowly falling into our summertime rhythm. I still mean to do a series of posts on our newly updated rhythm. Saying that 'out loud' here may be just the push I needed to get on that. I have so much more I want to say but I think this is quite enough for one post. I will have to remember my ramblings for another day.

Happy fourth of July everyone!

Don't forget to enter for a chance to win three of Linda's great knitting patterns in the Mamma4earth giveaway.
