
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Peek-A-Boo Knitting

Enjoying some knitting at Walnut Hill with my silly baby.

These pics are actually from last Friday, but I had to share them. The Shalom is finished, but I have yet to get pictures. I will try to work on that ASAP! I was hoping to get Kevin to take them but the lens on my camera has a slight learning curve (it is also in need of repair due to focusing issues, which makes it more difficult to use right now) and it can be hard for him to use it. I'll figure it out one way or another.
I have just a couple of projects I am working on right now, but again no pics of them. Grandma (Kevin's Mama) is in town right now so we have been enjoying her visit.
What am I still doing awake right now?!

What are all of you working on?
Happy creating!

I am not sure what is going on with Blogger, again, but there seems to be issues with the format and commenting right now. I can't respond nor see your comments (but do get the e-mails for them). Is it just me or are you guys seeing this issue on here, as well?
