
Monday, June 13, 2011

Out and About : Multnomah Falls

I have been thinking a lot lately about the beauty in the places we see every day, but seldom stop to savor. I decided I needed to make myself slow down and enjoy the scenery around us, no longer taking it for granted. To help in this endeavor I am photographing our usual times out and about, as well as places we have never been. This way I can fully soak it all in, as well as have these moments to look back at. Won't you join me? If you have any of your own out and about photos to share (new or old) please leave a link in the comments. Think 'corners of my home' but 'out of the home surroundings' instead. I know we would all love to see the beauty that surrounds you in your everyday life.

We recently took a fun field trip out to Multnomah Falls with Kevin's K-9 Search and Rescue unit. I had been mentioning ahem-whining quite a bit about wanting to go on a mountain hike, and boy did I get my wish!
Plummeting 620 feet, Multnomah Falls is the second highest year-round waterfall in the United States. Nothing like Niagara Falls back in my home state of New York but still equally breathtaking in it own ways. There is a Native American lore that states that Multnomah Falls was created to win the heart of a young princess who wanted a hidden place to bathe.

The girls and I got distracted by flowers - I mean, explored the land at the base area of the falls while Kevin did some SAR work.

K found a roly poly and gave him a dandelion bed.

There was just so much beauty to take in...

Not to mention all the history that surrounded us there.

We later met up and hiked over to the picnic area at the neighboring Wahkeena Falls for lunch.

The girls went back to their usual flower picking at the picnic area.

My sweet K is getting freckles all over her nose now, I love admiring them - she just wants me to count them.

After lunch, and a change into cooler hats, we debated if we should make the 2.2-mile hike with 700 feet of elevation gain to the top of Multnomah Falls. Little L was up on me in his carrier and C was up on Kevin but K would have to walk. That seemed like it would be too much for her little legs. We were about to just call it and head home but K wouldn't have it. My poor girl burst into tears lamenting over how much she wanted to see the top of the falls. We explained what a long hike it would be for her, she can barely handle the hills on our mountain, but she was very determined to do it.
So we did.

We climbed and climbed until we reached the top. I had never seen such determination in all her life. She was just not going to give up no matter what.

This was the only shot I could take from the top looking down, it made me dizzy!
When we made it to the fenced overlook on Multnomah Falls' lip, she had such pride written all over her face, and I don't blame her, I was incredibly proud of her, too!

I will be taking a break from Out and About next Monday as an extremely talented friend stops by my space on her blog tour. I apologize as her tour schedule said that she would be here today, but it was a mistake. It will be next Monday. Can't wait!! You can find her over at Simple Homeschool today.
