
Monday, June 6, 2011

Out and About : Grab Your Partner

I have been thinking a lot lately about the beauty in the places we see every day, but seldom stop to savor. I decided I needed to make myself slow down and enjoy the scenery around us, no longer taking it for granted. To help in this endeavor I am photographing our usual times out and about, as well as places we have never been. This way I can fully soak it all in, as well as have these moments to look back at. Won't you join me? If you have any of your own out and about photos to share (new or old) please leave a link in the comments. Think 'corners of my home' but 'out of the home surroundings' instead. I know we would all love to see the beauty that surrounds you in your everyday life.

A couple of weekends ago (I know, I know, I told you I was behind!) our school held it's annual community appreciation BBQ and square dance. We always look for any chance to be with our inspiring school community but this occasion was especially exciting. K spent the entire week beforehand dancing around the house in preparation.

I have to admit I love the idea of square dances. I have always envisioned our dream farm house in the middle of nowhere having a small friendly community that gets together for things like sewing and knitting circles, bartering and square dances...I like to dream. Anyways, this event was so close to what I have always dreamed about and I couldn't imagine a better community to spend it with.

K literally danced from start to finish. I have never seen her bursting with so much enthusiasm and joy before. Kevin and I had a blast just soaking in all of her happiness. Of course, I have to share all of that happiness with you!

Shy C preferred watching from the sidelines. As expected, just as the dancing was ending she got up the nerve to join in. Kevin gladly accompanied her.

You have to click on the above picture to see it full size. K has such a happy 'lost in the moment' face.

We are so thankful for our wonderful community. I wish we could take them with us on any move we may ever have to do.

On a side note : Be on the lookout for some fun giveaways coming up soon from my lovely sponsors you see featured over there on the right!
