
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How Do You Like Them Apples?

I have nothing new to report today for the Shalom KAL, as I haven't worked on mine since last Tuesday. I need my yellow fix, though so I hope to remedy that this weekend. I have, however, had other projects keeping me busy. Like some items inspired by delicious fruit.

Strawberries, for instance

As well as our absolute favorite fruit in this house : apples.

For our teachers' end of the year gift I decided to make them apple cozies. C's teacher always brings an apple with her on our class days to put in our millet, and K's teachers use apples on her oatmeal day. The cozies are supposed to protect the apples from getting banged up and bruised. That seems like a good idea, plus they are just so darn cute!

I think I might have been having a bit too much fun photographing them.

Apple cozy pattern can be found here and here. My rav notes are here.

By the time I started my third apple cozy I decided to change the pattern just a bit. I am wishing I did that for all three of them. Hindsight is 20/20, eh?
I did mirrored increases at the beginning and end of every other round and then knit each round in between (instead of single increases in alternating directions on alternate rounds like the pattern has you do). I think it looks much nicer this way. I don't have a pic of the cozy I did this on yet, but I will get on that, pronto, so you can see the difference.

My old school way of blocking. Someday I'll invest in blocking boards but this silly way works just fine for now.

I used a button instead of a bobble just because bobbles never seem to stay closed for me. That could be an issue with my loop, though, too.
I also used this leaf pattern to top it off. I hope they like them!

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but do you think knitting an apple a day works the same? Here's hoping!

What do you have in your project basket? Happy creating!
