
Monday, May 2, 2011

Out and About : Our Waldorf Parent/Child Classroom

I have been thinking a lot lately about the beauty in the places we see every day, but seldom stop to savor. I decided I needed to make myself slow down and enjoy the scenery around us, no longer taking it for granted. To help in this endeavor I am photographing our usual times out and about, as well as places we have never been. This way I can fully soak it all in, as well as have these moments to look back at. Won't you join me? If you have any of your own out and about photos to share (new or old) please leave a link in the comments. Think 'corners of my home' but out of the home surroundings instead. I know we would all love to see the beauty that surrounds you in your everyday life.

Here is my first installment, a very special place to C and I (and now little L, too, since he joined us) - Our parent/child classroom at school. You instantly feel relaxed and at home when you enter this space.

Kindergarten starts a half an hour before parent/child class so we bring K to her room first. Then C excitedly leads the way down this hallway to her classroom. She looks forward to this moment all week long and I am sure she would love to show you around...

Well, it appears our tour guide is being a bit shy at the moment so I guess I will have to take over for her. She is hiding on a couple of stumps that she loves to play on which are located by our cubbies.

We'll just go ahead into the classroom while she organizes our cubby and plays with my shoes. We are always the first to arrive (and typically the last to leave) so that explains why the classroom is empty in these pictures. Luckily, our angelic teacher puts up with us for that extra amount of time.

Our class is known as the Sunflower class, hence the sunflower picture above the coat rack. Don't you just love these coat racks? I would love to make some for our own home.

Some of the children's toys and play stands we see when we first walk in. C put that little llama in the doll cradle you see at the bottom of the picture because she felt the baby in the cradle was lonely. In C's eyes, no one sleeps alone.

C loves to sit in this child sized rocking chair. It is located right next to the changing table so she can sit in it while I change L's diaper. You'll notice there are wool blankets and baby dolls on the bottom two levels of the changing table - just the right height for little ones to take care of their babies. Our teacher lovingly paid attention to every little detail when she put this room together.

From this angle you can see the adult rocking chair, too - one of my personal favorite places to crash. On the shelves are shells, scrap pieces of wool felt, hand knit pigs and bunnies our teacher made (and were I got the pattern and idea from to make C's bunny for her birthday), wool balls, wooden eggs (some made by her children) and pine cones. The simplest of toys, yet the very best.

A sweet little needle felted bird sits in it's nest on our nature table.

A view of our table where we gather for our snack as well as the child sized table where we wash up before snack time. This picture was taken after we enjoyed our millet and fruit and were on our way outside.

Our Canadian geese friends visiting us on our way out. They love the school grounds and can be found there daily in various places. It just wouldn't be the same with out hearing their honks and hisses upon our arrival every day.

See you again soon, friends! C is off to Walnut Hill for our end of class 'outdoor time' (yes, it's still snowsuit/rain suit season here), we'll see you next Monday for our next installment of out and about!
