
Monday, May 16, 2011

Out and About : May Faire

I have been thinking a lot lately about the beauty in the places we see every day, but seldom stop to savor. I decided I needed to make myself slow down and enjoy the scenery around us, no longer taking it for granted. To help in this endeavor I am photographing our usual times out and about, as well as places we have never been. This way I can fully soak it all in, as well as have these moments to look back at. Won't you join me? If you have any of your own out and about photos to share (new or old) please leave a link in the comments. Think 'corners of my home' but 'out of the home surroundings' instead. I know we would all love to see the beauty that surrounds you in your everyday life.

All right, all right, I am semi-cheating on this Out and About post with the May Faire pics I meant to post last Friday. I admit my guilt, and now feel better!

Last weekend was our school's annual May Faire celebration and you can bet we were there with bells on - literally, well at least the girls were, thanks to their sweet friend who made ankle bells for them.

See?! Anyways, I think I will just let the pictures do the talking, since there are so many and all...

We made reed bubble wands for our class table

May Queen procession

May pole dancing

Making Fairy rings

'You've got a bug on your face'

Our favorite coffee shop was there

and lastly, some of the beautiful handmade shields made by the talented students, parents and staff at our school. These were raffled or auctioned off to raise money for our school.

That's our celebration in quite a few pictures!
