
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reasons to Celebrate

Two glorious reasons to celebrate in no particular order (because they are both equally beautiful).

C is now three!

Birthday table
On Monday we honored C's third birthday with a nice, quiet family celebration.
She choose the meals and the plans. Such a simple, perfect day!

Birthday morning in her pjs
She chose to open her presents right after her birthday muffins (Oatmeal-carrot muffins from the Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book). We have decided to help out the earth, save money and to make things even simpler we would start 'wrapping' our presents in the girls' play silks. They look so pretty wrapped this way and C has a much easier time opening them.

Mopsy (rav notes here)
This year I knit her a bunny out of some super soft mohair (can I just say how hard it is to photograph white mohair?! This shot was the best I could do). She became obsessed with bunnies after meeting out neighbors angora bunny named Mopsy a week before L was born. We are very lucky to have one of our school's grade teachers as our neighbors (he may end up being K's 1-8 teacher, too!)... but I'll go more into this amazing family in another post. For her birthday sweater, I knit her the Tiny Tea Leaves cardigan (rav notes here). She wore it all day Monday (as you'll see in the rest of these pictures) and Tuesday, so I think she likes it.

A new view!
Since she turned 3 and her long legs were starting to get a bit too scrunched, we turned her car seat from rear facing to forward facing (It's just a personal choice of ours to keep our little ones rear facing as long as possible). She rode in it this way for the first time after she opened her presents. We took a short drive to K's teacher's house to pick up some goodies.

We incorporated her birthday into our Monday/Baking day rhythm by making her birthday cake when we got back home. She decided on the honey cake (recipe, again, from the Waldorf Kindergarten Snack Book). We chose to top it with fresh strawberries as well as strawberries between the layers.

The only pic I got of her in her crown

After our cake, she wanted to go for a family walk, although to her a family walk means Daddy walks and she rides on his back...

That is until we get to the duck pond, then she wants down to feed the ducks.

Getting those silly rocks out of her boot


After that it was time for dinner. C requested homemade broccoli soup with rosemary baguette (a new fav recipe from the Bob's Red Mill Baking Book). We made dinner and told her rainbow bridge story while lighting her birthday ring candles. Such a peaceful and loving way to end her special day.

Phew what a fun day!

Ok, I am really making this a long post but...

L's MRI results came back

All partied out

The doctor called us and of course I didn't get to the phone in time, in my typical fashion, but thankfully he left the results on my voicemail. L's MRI was NORMAL!! So no tumor!!! But now that that's ruled out as a cause, we still need to figure it all out. I am not sure if more testing is involved or not. I am hoping to get in touch with the doctor this week to see where we go from here. Thank you all for your prayers!!

Ok, I'll end this lengthy post now, but as you can see we had so much to be joyous for. Sending you all our love and warm wishes!
