
Sunday, October 6, 2019


First grade Michaelmas verse in main lesson book.

The boys and I gathering goldenrod in one of our hayfields.

Goldenrod in a pot of water to make a dye bath for our Michaelmas silk capes.

The capes came out the most beautiful muted mustard yellow. This picture does not do them justice.
Making their dragon bread

Baby F's dragon on the left and L's on the right. Baby F said the whole almonds on the sides of his dragon were his wings.
We used the Dandelion Room's bread recipe this year.
K's snake dragon
C's dragon
The cutest dragon there ever was
Showing his scariest pose
My children after they completed their Michaelmas pageant

I know, I know. I am a week late but I still had to share our yearly Michaelmas celebration. Remember when L was the tiny dragon?!
