Sunday, July 28, 2019
Well, hello there! {end of the school year}
Hello there! Long time no see! To show you just how long it has been I am sharing photos from back in June. 🙈 We took the kids to Knoebels Amusement Park for our end of the school year celebration. It might become a new family tradition for us. We all had such a good time - just look at all those happy faces in the pictures!
As we entered the park they stamped Baby F's hand with the word Little. There was just something so unbearably poignant about that word being placed on his tiny hand. He was such a big boy riding all the rides at the park. He had no fear (he never has). He longed to be older and taller to ride the roller coasters with his siblings but all I could think was, "Please slow down! We are going to miss these little years."
Well, hello there! {end of the school year}
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