
Sunday, May 5, 2019

Checking In... Anyone There?

K's artwork for her RE teacher

Hey everyone! I am just getting around to posting some photos from Easter. Sunday nights are some of the busiest nights for me with the weekend winding down, meal prepping and preparing for the upcoming school week. I don't remember why I chose Sunday nights to be my night to do blog posts. Maybe it was me sticking to my old rhythm of posting Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Then again I haven't followed that schedule in quite a long time now have I? I suppose old habits really do die hard. I seem to have it set in my mind that I can only post on the same day every week instead of sporadically. But life has become so very full that I rarely seem to post on that night anymore. Many of you have emailed telling me that you miss the way I used to post and I can tell by comments being few and far between that many have given up on me. I'm sorry if I let you down. So I though I would check in with all of you. Do you stop in to see if I post on Sunday nights? Do you think that I should just post sporadically during the week instead, when I might find more time and energy to do so? I would love to hear from you.
