Dye baths Left to Right: goldenrod, pokeberry, grass, carrot and beets
carrot dye bath
beet dye bath
C'sfingerless gloves before
pokeberry dye bath
I feel rather silly posting this now as we are about to start our third week of school tomorrow morning but things are going so well (so far) that I just had to share. My children have all been very diligent and perseverant for the most part with everything we have done. Somehow I have been on the ball and waking up in the wee hours of the mornings to make sure we are all on schedule. I pray the year continues in this manner.
Our first week included nature walks to our creek, (including one day that was so hot we decided to take a swim) dyeing silks with natural dyes (some worked but most of them didn't, however I attribute that to not properly mordanting them. Honestly, I never had any hope for the carrot or grass dyes, though), memorized a verse and made use of our leftover corners from making the chalkboard by turning them into mountains (to cement the verse in our brains), oh and we had special guests in the schoolroom - two of our chickens. This. This is how I envisioned homeschooling. Not the way I had been doing it in the past - stressed out and done in. This is the way it was meant to be.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Our First Week of Homeschool 2018
Our First Week of Homeschool 2018
being one with nature|crafts|gratitude|homeschooling|made by my little ones|natural dyeing|