
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Another Bloom Emerges

wild crocus wild crocuses in April Wild crocuses in April wild daffodils wild daffodils wild baby tree yoga Wild daffodils (and a wild baby) in later April/early May tulips tulips Miss Thelma's planted tulips in early May magnolia magnolia magnolia magnolia Miss Thelma's glorious magnolia tree mid-May (also the children's favorite climbing tree) lilac Miss Thelma's lilac bushes in mid/late May peony Miss Thelma's peonies in June
almost ready! Our blueberries are almost ready!

Miss Thelma really knew what she was doing when it came to her flowers. She had it perfectly planned. When one variety of bloom begins to die off, another emerges. We have consistently been with flowers of one type or another since we moved into this house. That isn't even including the wild flowers out in the woods surrounding our home. I keep finding myself wishing I could find her notes on gardening or even better, sit and chat with her. Oh, how full of wisdom she must have been! I am trying my best to learn from the gifts she left behind for us and I pray I use the knowledge I gain from my time here wisely.
