
Monday, January 8, 2018

Handemade Christmas recap

Some of the things I made for my children:
sunday sweater and jane hat for c
Sunday sweater and Jane hat for C. The Sunday sweater has beautiful buttons made by our friends at Wooly Moss Roots. The Jane hat was knit with yarn I dyed with elderberries. C requested it specifically. The color is much more purple in person.
pj bottoms
Flannel pj bottoms for my boys. Baby F's are pictured here but L got a matching set.
horse for K
K's treasured horse I knit her for her 9th birthday is in storage and she misses him terribly so I decided to knit her another one for Christmas. This one is made to look like her dream horse though and is named Rueben.
dolphin for L
Little L received a dolphin just like the one I knit for his friend in the autumn.
baby f in peg form back baby f
L found this little wooden bulldozer/tractor (I have no clue) at the thrift store for only a couple of dollars. Total score. We cleaned it up and it looked like new. I felt it needed someone to drive it so I decided to try my hand at painting a peg person. I made it to look like Baby F - in my favorite outfit of his, no less: naturkinder test knit
Some of the things my children made:
Aslan made by K for L
K knit this Aslan lion for L. I love his mane.
lion made by c
C also knit a lion with our handwork curriculum. Hers is a gift for someone else. I cannot say until she has actually sent it out.

There are a few other gifts made by myself and the children that I have not yet photographed. I will try to do so as soon as the sun decides to shine again, but before I end this post I had to share Baby F's absolute favorite gift:
his favorite thing
This little hot cocoa set (made by Magnolia -  Hearth and Hand) that my Mom gave him. He still plays with it every single day. It is the first thing he goes to when he wakes up in the morning. I am so very grateful for my family and their generosity, unconditional love and thoughtfulness, especially when it comes to my children. Christmas would not have been the same if it wasn't for them.

Oh, I also wanted to share this new to us book with all of you! It is called the Night Tree. It reminds my family and I a lot of how we celebrate Christmas for the animals. You have to check it out for next year!new favorite book
