
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Crafting On

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two, post it on your blog, on Instagram #craftingon and/or Flickr and then share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.
crafting on acorn mitts
I finished Baby F's acorn mittens and what a pleasant surprise it was to knit them. I had forgotten just how quickly tiny mittens knit up. Perhaps even more surprising was that my baby boy (you know, the one who refuses to wear socks, hats, jackets or anything of that nature) saw me knitting them and had to try the finished one on straight away. When I placed it on his hand he clapped and giggled with delight. Then he demanded the other one that was still on my needles. I worked quickly to finish it for him as he watched over my shoulder a good portion of the time. Then he wore them both around the house on his hands part of the time but mostly on his feet. Silly guy. Now this is m favorite kind of knitting!

What are you working on? Happy creating!
