
Sunday, July 16, 2017

Our Wild Garden of Eatin'

C's turn little helper loving interaction blurry but so cute! Blurry but such a sweet moment blackberries Blackberry leaves blackberries Blackberries blackberries Blackberry flower salmonberry Salmonberry thimbleberry leaf Thimbleberries hiding in the rhododendron thimbleberries thimbleberries thimbleberries Thimbleberries chickweed Chickweed he hops in bed and tucks himself in when he is tired now

It is funny how sometimes the things that you are wanting are literally right under your nose, but you don't even notice they are there. The children and I were lamenting over the loss of our little Idaho garden. Sure, we grew a tomato plant in a pot here so we would have something but that doesn't quite fit the bill now does it? We knew there would be at least one summer without a garden as we found our home so we were prepared for it, but that still doesn't take the desire away. We all missed our garden snacking and getting our hands in the earth. Then one by one we all started to see our backyard here in new light. It seemed as if each day a new edible plant appeared. First it was the salmonberries and plantain then thimbleberries started to appear and now blackberries are taking over a small corner. We harvested some chickweed from the forest and starting growing it in a pot, too. Well, what do you know? We have our own little wild garden of eatin'. Can't wait for blackberry season. Bring on the jam, cobblers and pie! Any other blackberry ideas?

p.s. - That was C's first time wearing her baby brother in the Tula. As you can see they both loved it. Also, you may have seen on IG that Baby F is now refusing naps. However he does enjoy tricking me by running into our bedroom, climbing into bed and tucking himself in. Then he just sits there giggling like crazy. Silly boy!
