*random photos from the past few months really having absolutely nothing to do with this post*
As of today we are one week away from our move back to Oregon. It is crazy to think how close it is and really just how quickly time has flown by here in Idaho. In my usual fashion, I waited until the end of our time here to find incredible friends and church community. At least we will only be a state away. I have hopes of visiting in the future and inviting friends out our way, too. Who wouldn't want to come see the ocean (and maybe us, too)?
We are still sorting through our belongings. I am not decluttering as much as I wanted to a I simply ran out of time. I suppose I'll be doing that once we get to our final destination in Oregon. In the meantime I am trying to figure out what the six of us will need for the next few months (up to a year), while trying to keep it very simple (since the temporary home we are moving into is one bedroom and 700 square feet). The movers come early this week for our belongings going into storage so we'll be living out of boxes after that.
Forgive my absentmindedness but with everything going on I
can't remember what I have posted here and what I have posted over on
Instagram. I am hoping I do not repeat myself! Have I mentioned that the temporary home we are
moving to in Oregon is not near Portland (where we moved from)? It is instead down south a bit and right on the coast. Kevin and the children are calling our
place The Little House on the Big Coast. We'll be near the college Kevin is attending (wolf biology!). We are all looking forward to many days spent at the ocean. Little L already has plans to find sharks there.
What an adventure we have in store!
p.s. - Baby F's sweater is the Wee Envelope. I love, love, love it but alas it came out too snug. I even went up a size as well as needle size. He got to wear it for about a week.