The temperatures are still frigid outside and I don't think this snow has any intention of leaving anytime soon. Kevin and the girls have been taking the opportunity to test out their cold weather camping gear. I think they are slightly crazy but then again I am happily relishing a house with a good heating system - a luxury we did not have back in Oregon.
Baby F decided not to take his nap today only to fall asleep about two minutes after I put him in the Tula on my back. Of course that was right before we were heading out the door. But never mind that - I had to soak in that moment of sweetness. I took him off of me to get dressed and he stayed asleep. That is a rarity, for sure. Nap time is becoming more and more of a struggle each day. I am hoping this nap strike isn't becoming a trend. Little L gave up naps early and that was a challenge I was hoping to avoid with Baby F. I'm crossing my fingers it's teething causing all of this.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
being one with nature|Idaho|little ones|