
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two, post it on your blog, on Instagram #craftingon and/or Flickr and then share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.
Being snowed in for days on end has its perks - like dreaming up and creating birthday things for a certain fox baby. I promise all of those fabrics and ribbon are not all for one thing, though! I actually ordered that ribbon from Germany with thoughts of a birthday crown a bit simpler than my usual ones. We'll see if it happens!

What are you working on? Happy creating!
