Above photos to give you an idea of scale. We knits hats from micro-preemie size up to newborn. The hat C is holding on the left is a newborn size. The hat she is holding on the right is about 18 weeks gestation.
Last summer my friend's baby boy was born sleeping. I felt like my heart broke into a million pieces hearing her story. I can not imagine the pain that she went through/is going through. She mentioned to me that one comfort she has is the tiny knit hat and blanket he was presented to her in.
A couple of weeks back the same friend told me about a knitting event being hosted by Abigail's Hope. Their mission is to bless families through the heartbreak of losing their precious baby in utero with gifts that
will help them heal and feel loved. Abigail's Hope provides handmade
baby hats, blankets, books and other items to grieving families. As soon as she told me about this event I knew I needed to help and my girls would want to as well.
Weaving prayers into each and every stitch, my girls and I knit for them. We knit for the babies that never had a chance to gaze up into their mother's loving eyes, and for the mothers that will forever have an empty space in their hearts. I hope our act of love can bring at least the smallest bit of comfort to the parents, letting them know that their baby is loved, and so are they.
p.s. - I didn't get a chance to photograph all the hats we knit before giving them to Abigail's Hope but we had a good amount. C and I have decided to continue our efforts and knit as many as we can.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
For them
community|knitting|made by my little ones|off the needles|