
Sunday, December 4, 2016

(a little more than) captioned

when you lose your exacto knife your swiss army knife will just have to do St. Lucia calendar Have you seen this beautiful countdown to Saint Lucia's day calendar? Oh my word, I adore it! Really I love anything Amber creates but this one really spoke to me. I know it's a few days into December but I just printed ours out and put it together today (it is a PDF). My kiddos didn't mind and I look forward to using it for years to come. Although I had a slight issue putting it together - I somehow misplaced my exacto knife but hey, when all else fails a swiss army knife will do. 😉playing with Mother Mary play Sharing Advent with Baby F. Advent wreath gathering We gathered our greenery for our Advent wreath finally but still have yet to actually make it. One of these days before Advent is over it will be completed! warming cinnamon bath salts I made myself some warming cinnamon bath salts (from this book) and took a nice long soak after a mentally exhausting day. I think I am going to have the kids take a soak in them tomorrow, too. They all came down with colds and cinnamon is antiviral. much needed haircut tickle, tickle! Little L was long overdue for a haircut so Kevin and I combined our efforts and tried again. Man, cutting little boy's hair is like trying to cut a moving target. He gives us a workout, that's for sure! This time I think it came out much nicer and we didn't have to buzz it. I think maybe Kevin should cut his hair from now on with a little help from me. tooth fairy gifts #standingrock K's tooth fairy left her some pretty special gifts this time around. I still can't bring myself to take these down I still can't bring myself to take down Baby F's cards. Yes, I realize he is ten months old now but I just want him to stay a new baby a bit longer. Is that too much to ask? Well, that and I still have not sent out my thank you cards. I can't believe I am so far behind on that. I am beyond grateful for everyone's thoughtful gifts and time but I have yet to find the time to put it into words for them. I feel awful. Welcome to life with four children, I guess??? I suppose I will have to face reality and take them down soon for Christmas cards soon anyways. Perhaps that is what I need.

p.s. - Tiffeni, we LOVE our mobile!
