
Sunday, October 2, 2016

In the Grand Scheme of Things

cosmic purple carrots dandelion root
trying to snack with big brother
working on soup from Oh She Glows Everyday brothers brothers love my boys! crawl away! crawl away! sweet dreams Kevin, the girls and Nara went on a four day camping trip with AHG last week leaving me with the boys and our flock of animals. I had exciting plans to get some much needed deep cleaning and organizing done in the house. Actually, I would have been happy just playing catch-up with my housework - my bathtubs haven't been scrubbed in a couple of months now *gulp* did I just admit to that over the internet?! But none of that happened. Baby F got another tooth (one of his top ones) and has another ready to come through at any moment, making him very uncomfortable and unable to sleep. He woke up at two o'clock in the morning each day and wouldn't nap the rest of the day. Needless to say, I gave up on my plans halfway through day two. We did get some light homestead work done like digging up and roasting our dandelion roots, harvesting lemon balm for ourselves and our neighbors and canning some squash and pears for Baby F so I felt a little accomplished. But do you know what did happen? Lots of brother bounding, laughing, reading, playing, snuggling and memories that will, at the very least, stay with Little L and I for some time to come. And at the end of our time together when Kevin and the girls arrived home, everyone was genuinely happy to see one another (there was a lot of bickering going on in our home for some time before the trip). That time apart was the balm their hearts needed. I am so grateful for it.

My priorities were set straight and I was reminded of what matters most (although a clean house would have been nice!). I may not have accomplished what I had planned but I think we accomplished so much more in the grand scheme of things. Because what really matters most is not a clean house or perfect garden but the time spent with the ones you love most.

p.s. - Kevin told me all about Nara being an incredible guard dog for all the AHG girls at camp. I can tell she must have been working hard because as soon as they came home she was passed out on top of all the camping gear. Sweet girl!

Nara passed out in the big camping mess
