
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Welcoming Autumn

spruce tea spruce tea welcome autumn! playing in the rain thrifted yarn pumpkin head with a runny nose :( apple camp hanging our chinese lanterns to dry

 I had the greatest of intentions to type up a post about our not too distant future tonight but oh that sweet little baby of mine was just so warm and cuddly that I fell asleep along side him as I nursed him down. I always feel so discombobulated the rest of the evening when that happens so I best not try to write too much. We'll just stick to simplicity tonight instead.

Autumn is officially here! Time to break out the woolies!! Also time to fight colds. Baby F has one that just doesn't want to go away. We had a beautiful rainy day that just begged all of us to go outside and play. The Mountain Home autumn winds have come, too, so I am rescuing anything delicate left in my garden like our Chinese lanterns that we grew for our Martinmas nature table.

Our local youth center kicked off autumn with an apple camp for the younger children. I took the boys there and Little L had a good time. I think he was just happy to be out with me alone (well, for the most part - Baby F slept through it). I am trying harder to spend more one-on-one time with each of my children. They need it, and so do I . That really is the best form of discipline in our family ("discipline" which comes from the Latin word "discipuli" meaning student. Not to be confused with "punishment" which comes from "punier" meaning "to inflict pain". This words are not synonyms, although they are often used that way, especially by those who think some don't "discipline" -ahem. Sorry, this topic has been on my mind lately and has me spending a lot of time re-reading Parenting with Grace.)

Moving on...

Purple Grandma sent K a birthday box last week and in it was some organic Blue Sky Alpacas cotton yarn for me. Look at the price tag on them - what a score! I used that same yarn for Little L's baby blanket and loved it. Now to find a project for it...and Little L's baby blanket, come to think of it. It has been missing for months. Oh and speaking of generous gifts, our neighbors stopped by the other day with some spruce branches from their latest trip up in the mountains. Our home has been filled with the incredible smell of spruce ever since as I have been making tea with it.

How about you? How are you welcoming autumn?
