a favorite hat knit by my friend Asher
I think I have found a new addiction - painting! I have always been a wood purist. I just find the natural look of wood aesthetically pleasing (one of the many reasons why I love the look of Waldorf classrooms so much), but now that I have painted a couple of small things I am hooked. I love how it can make such a huge difference. Like the clock I painted and changed out the face. So much brighter and cheerful now. I think I will still stick with natural wood in the children's' room but the rest of the house is fair game. Now I just need to find some furniture to paint. We seriously have barely any furniture in our home - other than children's furniture. We never did even get around to getting a couch or loveseat after we moved. We'll get to it someday. I search the thrift stores each week. I keep hoping for a dresser for our bedroom and a hutch to become our apothecary in the kitchen but so far, no luck. Real wood furniture seems to be hard to find in these parts.
We recently attended an archeology fair in Boise. It was great for the kids and had a lot of hands on activities. I love taking field trips like this with my children. Can't all our homeschooling just be field trips?! On our way back we stopped at Boise Cloth Diapers. I could have spent hours there. Cloth diapering is just so rewarding for me and I love checking the diapers out in person (I normally have to get them online and cross my fingers they will fit). After three babies heavily using our Dream-Eze cloth diapers they are finally falling apart. I purchased a couple of GroVia diapers to replace them. GroVia diapers are actually the next generation of the Dream-Eze we loved so much.
The children spent the past few days pet sitting our neighbor's kitties. I think it is safe to say they fell in love with them. Who wouldn't?! Look at how cute they are!
Oh and please notice the adorable hat on Baby F! It is one of our favorites and was knit by our friend Asher back in Oregon. The color is just beautiful. I think the hat makes Baby F even more irresistible and scrumptious than he already is. We just can't help loving on him even more when he wears it. Thank you Asher!!
Remember this school desk treasure I was so happy to have found? Well, I started fixing it up but then remembered a wise reader mentioned it might have lead. Well, I did the test and...
Lead! So off it went. I am so glad I never let me children near it. I was a bit bummed but I am not going to take any chances with lead, even with sealing it in. So back to the drawing board on my desk plans.