
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


nibbling on this thumb looking at Spring
Looking at our Spring book.
new solution to missing books (i hope!) just a block of wood w/chalk paint sweet kiddos in horrible lighting i love those little ears AHG leader gifts (homemade beeswax candles) C's awards (couldn't get up front this time for better pics) K's awards (again couldn't get better pics)
The weather here in Idaho can't seem to make up it's mind. One day it's rather hot like summer and then the next day it's chilly and windy like early spring. It's funny going through my photographs and seeing Baby F go from wool sleepy sacks to short sleeved cotton shirts in a matter of a few days.

Speaking of summer like weather. We tested out our air conditioning recently to make sure it was working for when the hot weather really hits. In case you didn't know, I am not a hot weather person at all and typically suffer from cabin fever in the summer instead of in the winter like most people. I stay inside our air conditioned house only to poke my head out in the late evening to check on the garden or go for a walk. But back to our air conditioning test. It failed. The air was blowing in the house but the a/c unit outside wasn't even turning on. We called the maintenance men and well, long story short, it turns out our dogs killed the a/c unit by marking on it. I knew dog urine was strong and destructive but corroding metal?! Good gracious! Now I praying that they don't make us pay to replace it.

After spending nearly two weeks of frantically trying to find lost library books (which later appeared in the girls' momento boxes kept under their beds) I decided we needed to do something to prevent this all too common mishap from happening again. Going with "less is more" I started out by limiting how many books they each get. I think one of the problems was that they would get so many books each week that it was hard to keep track of them. Then I designated a book basket for library books only. Since we usually forget our due dates I decided to get a little creative and make a sign for the basket to remind us (along with how many books we have). I just took a small block of wood, drilled a hole in it and painted one side with chalk paint. The I attached it to the basket and used a chalk pen to write the important info. We'll be using regular chalk in the future but the chalk pen was just what I had on hand at the moment. Now let's see if this new little system provides us with a solution to those pesky missing books. I'm crossing my fingers!
