*Above photos by K (shirt change due to spit-up ;) *
Thank you so very much for all of your prayers, well wishes and for reaching out to me the past week. Baby F and I needed them more than you could know. His procedure went amazingly well. We had it done at our midwives' office because I knew they would take the best care of my little guy, and honestly,
we couldn't have asked for a more compassionate and loving person to perform it. After the procedure was finished she comforted and kissed my baby boy, telling him she loved him. I wish all care providers could be like her! Hannah, if you see this - we love you!
I wanted to apologize for not updating sooner. There are days that I allow this unforgiving (at times) world to get to me and make me think - who would ever care about my little family. Your emails and comments reminded me that the world is good, and my family and I are so incredibly blessed to have so many people who truly care about us. Thank you truly, from the bottom of my heart.
Baby F's recovery so far has been full of rocking in our rocking chair, walks in the wrap and snuggles. We are just at the beginning and have a ways to go.
He is already nursing a lot better (!!) but he is miserable when we do his lip and tongue stretches (8 times a day). Hopefully this will ease up as he heals. I just want my little guy to be happy and not dealing with constant stomach pain as he was before the procedure, so I know this is all worth it. Please keep those prayers coming!
Monday, April 25, 2016
a little update
gratitude|little ones|