
Sunday, December 6, 2015

{Outside} {Inside}

iced fennel
iced fennel
mountain chickadee
mountain chickadee
mountain chickadee
snow, ice and endless fog

C Christmas crafting
cozy crafting and reading
cozy day crafting and reading
K reading sharkopedia to L
K reading to L - he can't get enough of Sharkopedia
St. Nicholas eve
St. Nicholas eve, the children received two new books this year - St. Nicholas and the Nine Gold Coins and Saint Francis Celebrates Christmas.

I am loving the beautiful weather we have been gifted with this past week. It's like a whole new world out there. The weather is even bringing new wildlife to us. We spotted our first chickadee here in Idaho! As silly as it sounds that was extremely exciting to us, well, mostly me. As common as chickadees are, they are one of my favorite birds. The evidence of this is all over my home. I used to hear them singing on a daily basis in our little house in the big woods of Oregon and have missed them dearly since our move. They have been showing up at our suet feeders over the past week. I crack my bedroom window every now and then just so I can hear them sing. I hope they stay when the snow is gone.

We have been having quite a few lazy days, staying in pajamas all day and crafting Christmas gifts. I love cozy days like this. They seem to be part of our Advent traditions. Slowing down, and patiently waiting. Speaking of Advent, our Advent and Christmas booklist can now be found by clicking the photo in the sidebar or by clicking here. Amazon has disabled their widget feature so I can no longer post the books in the sidebar of the blog like I have in past years. It's a bit inconvenient so I apologize. It's also a bit frustrating to me personally as I depended on my booklists to look back at every year. Oh well, it is what it is! Let me know if you have any questions.
