
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.
I am currently working on a couple Christmas present knits. I couldn't find a moment to photograph them today without my children nearby so instead I am sharing some Christmas ornaments I am working on during C's main lessons each day (I can't ever have idle hands). I started these snowflakes a few months ago but realized I made a big mistake when I cut them out and ended up throwing them into the "someday I'll get back to it" pile. But then I thought I could make lemonade out of lemons and get two ornaments out of the one by just cutting out new backs to them. That was enough to get them out of the pile and back into my WIP basket.

What are you working on? Happy creating!

Don't forge there is still a chance to enter the AtTheCrossroads giveaway for some beautiful handmade buttons here.
