Kaze photobomb
There have been a lot of accomplishments here these past couple of weeks. This seems like a rarity as we tend to have a never ending list of things we need to do so I figured I had better document this as proof to ourselves!
-Kevin fixed the washer as soon as the piece came in today (Alleluia - clean laundry!) and we have laundry going non-stop trying to play catch up. After going a week without a washer, laundry doesn't seem at all like a chore.
-K made her own raised bed garden (with Kevin's guidance)for her third grade practical project, and Kevin finished up our main raised beds as well and C and Little L
's personal raised beds. We are using every inch we can in our cubicle sized yard. It seems bigger and more full of life with our garden beds. Not to mention that feels more like a home. Urban homesteading will get us through these years here, I just know it!
-I finished the girls' garden dresses. K's came out a bit bigger than I expected (I modified the pattern since it only went up to size 8) but she says it's more comfortable that way. Comfort is key for gardening! I also added hidden pockets in the side seams of the dresses. Pockets are always a must.
-We found organic soil locally (!) and had a dump truck deliver enough for all of the raised beds we made (we still have one more to finish for my wild "weeds" and medicinal plants). Little L was beside himself when he saw the dump truck pull up to our house. We spent a day bringing it in to our backyard and filling up the garden beds. We then got to work finalizing our planting plans (with lots of reviewing in Carrots Love Tomatoes) and planted our seeds.
- Not really an accomplishment but it's something sweet I had to add: K bought C an entire cake at Whole Foods with money she had saved from Grandma. This really touched my heart because the girls have been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. C saved it for a little picnic outside the day the soil arrived in celebration of the garden.