
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Just call me Grandma

planting seeds and eating carrots planting old seeds as an experiment C's painted lady caterpillars waxworm (greater wax moth) making calendula salve caldendula and comfrey salve in progress K's human sundial (a bit hard to see) painting doll beds doll beds Ack! Land Shark!! Land Shark Land Shark!

Well, it's official. Our garden plot is just dirt. We have less than three years left here in Idaho so instead of amending the soil we decided to just go with raised beds. Unfortunately as soon as we came to that conclusion and got the supplies, Kevin's boss had him working twelve hour shifts along with weekend duty so we haven't made any progress. The snow has already melted off of Mount Bennett (a local informed me that is the day you can plant your sprouts outdoors) so my children and I are chomping at the bit to start planting. While we try to exercise our patience, we are experimenting with some very old seeds we found, seeing if they will grow or not.

C received her birthday present from Nana and Grandpa early this year because... well, it's alive! They sent her this butterfly garden. The caterpillar voucher that came with it said it would take 3-4 weeks for the caterpillars to arrive. I put the order in on the first and they arrived within one week. Oops. C is thrilled, though. She has ten caterpillars to watch over. They are actually forming into chrysalises now. This wonderful gift inspired some nature lessons and has C pouring over our Nature Anatomy book. Both her and K are very interested in butterfly life cycles and the difference between butterflies and moths. As if on cue, Kevin found a waxworm (greater wax moth) outside and now K is taking care of it so she and C can see how different a cocoon looks.

Speaking of C, she and I have been a bit obsessed with wild crafting and herbs lately. We started up some calendula and comfrey salve today (from Rosemary Gladstar's book) and are dying to make some fermented dandelion stems. We are two ingredients short and have to wait until this weekend to make the drive to Boise to pick them up. As for K, she has been learning about time in her math lessons the past week and part of that was making a human sundial. I think she loved the excuse to go outside every hour to measure her shadow. She had a fieldtrip to a bank today with a local homeschooling group. We all enjoyed ourselves and I have a feeling we will be seeking out this group more often in the future.

Oh and Land Shark! Doesn't it drive you crazy when you are trying to craft a bed for your bunny and out of nowhere a shark pops up?!

...and then on a rather comical note:

can not take a selfie to save my life Just call me Grandma (I so do not know the art of taking selfies)

C, Little L and I were playing at a local park while K was in her RE class. I took a knitting break after the three of us discovered an edible herb - shepherd's purse (although we didn't dare eat it knowing that the park was probably sprayed). A little girl maybe seven or so walked up to me and said, "Hey I know that girl (pointing to C). Is she yours? Are you her Mom or Grandma?" I smiled and said, "Her Mama." I laughed to myself and thought, it must be the knitting or my frumpy clothes (note to self - put a much overdue shopping trip higher up on the priority list). Maybe my laugh lines? Eh, I accept them as proof of a life lived well.

Kevin laughed when I told him about it. I asked him to take a picture of me but he flat out refused. Rascal. So I tried my hand at a selfie as a gentle reminder to myself that I don't look like I am old enough to be a Grandma yet. But I can not master that art, at least not in a flattering way! He,he. Oh well.

Maybe I should be slathering on my butterbean on a daily basis, just in case.
