Who knew a cat would find a
hideaway hammock comfortable?!
The children are all better and thankfully the stomach bug was kinder to each one it hit but now I am fighting a little something. My children woke me up this morning with some soft throat lozenges they made from the latest issue of Taproot (thank you, Mom!), although I think they really made them for themselves - they are quite yummy! I have been drinking
gypsy cold care tea and diffusing thieves and peppermint all day long, hoping to make this a short lived bug. Is it just me or is there nothing more comforting than the whistle of the tea kettle when you are under the weather?
In lieu of the post I had intended to write, I thought I would share a couple of knits I finished up in February and March.
This will get a few things checked off on my list for the stash down KAL hosted by Andi over at
My Sister's Knitter, too. I adore her blog. Have you checked it out? It's a huge inspiration and motivation for me to stick with my yarn diet.

First up is a
Jane hat for C. After I knit myself, my niece and K one, C really wanted one, too. She chose some leftover yarn from Little L's 3rd birthday sweater but it wasn't quite enough to knit the whole hat. So, I began the decreases much sooner and she ended up with a no slouch version. She doesn't mind.

Little L got something as well. I felt badly about his fourth birthday sweater being much too big for him to wear so I used up the leftover yarn from the sweater and knit him up a
quick milo.
Of course, he is still in his "I don't want to wear anything knitted, unless I need to dress nice for Mass" phase so he refuses to wear it. I was only able to snap those photographs above last Sunday as we were on our way to Mass.
Little rascal.
I haven't blocked it yet so it fits a bit wonky but I am hoping to get to that this weekend. Isn't the colorway dreamy? It's worn denim (tosh vintage yarn).

nothing more comforting