Head over heels in love. That is the only way I can describe this.
K started her Intro to Horses classes last week and after just one class and a couple of hours on the farm, we are all quite smitten. This is just what we needed. It's quite a drive for us, but absolutely worth it. The ranch is amazing. So much to do and see, and you could just tell that everyone who volunteered there really loved what they do. That makes such a huge difference. I also love that their classroom is outside so when K is sitting and learning from an instructor she is still able to be out in the fresh air.As I sat watching K, memories from my own childhood came rushing back to me. What wonderful memories they were. I grew up riding horses, it was such a huge part of my life and I miss it. Now I see the same love growing in K and I couldn't be more excited for her. I foresee horseback riding lessons in our near future. Before she started her classes, she asked me lots of questions about safety (like to never walk behind a horse), horse care (like picking the hooves), and riding. I mentioned balance and how to properly place her heels on a horse. I was happy to see that information put to use while she was riding. Sometimes I wonder if she is really hearing me when I tell her things, know what I mean?
C and Little L spent most of K's class loving the miniature horses - Rosebud, LuLu and Daisy. They snuck in some sandbox play, chicken observation and garden exploration, too. It was quite a struggle to get my children to leave but reminders of our coming back again next week and the gift of a watermelon from the ranch owner finally persuaded them.

Random photographs from the feast of St. Therese (K's favorite saint.) We made some apple roses and K even made her first apple pie (while blowing me away with her fraction knowledge.)