
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

the Pumpkin Challenge

hitch hiking friend kid's corral Little L's sandbox buddy Bailey smile! smile! IMG_8195 IMG_8198 Daisy love Daisy love IMG_8226 K and Suede big brown eyes C's climbing tree little climber climbing sleeping koala this guy too sunny! no more! Too sunny! backlit pumpkin patch Daddy photobomb with wheat Daddy photobomb (with wheat) 3 little pumpkins that smile pumpkins little daddy honeybees We found out that it was pumpkin time at the organic farm we love. When we were there apple picking in September they told us their pumpkin crop wasn't doing as well this year and that we should come to get one early in October. I somehow forgot that detail but thankfully they still had some pumpkins left out in the field when we stopped by after K's horse lesson.

As usual, the sun was intensely bright - not a good thing for our annual pumpkin patch photos. I personally prefer taking photos in cloudy skies. The cloud cover diffuses the light of the sun, producing a soft even light that results in softer contrasts. Oregon skies are amazing for that. Here in Idaho the skies are always cloudless and the sun is beating down on us. So out of necessity, I am trying to learn the art of backlit photography. The key word here is trying. Of course, as usual, I am learning by trial and error. I suppose actually researching how it is done might help, but all the resources I find talk about "creating the look" in photo editing software. That doesn't help me as I don't have any photo editing software, (actually I do own light room but it confused me so much, I took it off my computer.)  Plus, I rather like the challenge of figuring it out in the moment. I am a bit crazy like that. Do any of you have any tips or resources you might care to share?

P.S - Can you believe those pumpkin hats from 2011 are still going strong?!


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I love those cheeky grins! Even the one on the Aussie shepherd!
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
Oh my goodness - that dog cracks us up! He greets you with that "smile" whenever he walk up to you and then sits for some love. He is hysterical!!
Cool pics!. Thanks for coming out.
Great hats! Just love orange on little ones!
Great pictures! Here in Colorado we have the same issue with the sun! Instead of a pumpkin hat, I could use a pumpkin baseball cap for my son!

I have a question - seeing K. wearing a skirt over her breeches (which I think looks really cute), is that because she wants to wear it like that, or are you doing it like the Duggars with girls always wearing a skirt over pants?
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
A pumpkin baseball hat is a great idea!

My girls and I do choose to wear skirts all the time (just our own personal modesty choice, we don't think it's for everyone :p ) but I told her that I thought for riding horses breeches alone were okay. But she wanted to wear the shorter skirts with them (easier to ride with) so I went along with it. She tells me that she wants to learn how to ride sidesaddle someday so that when she moves to France and becomes a nun she can still ride. Oh the plans and dreams this girl has!
Recently a friend had a mini photography lesson at her home. One of the things the photographer suggested was turning your flash on when the lighting is really bright. I can't remember why it works. I've been trying to remember to do that when we are out in the bright sunlight and so far it has helped.
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
I would be willing to try that for sure! I shoot in manual mode - did she happen to mention if you need to adjust the iso or shutter speed for that?
I have the same problem here in Eastern Washington. I am intrigued by the flash idea, I wonder if it "tricks" your camera into adjusting down even in manual setting? I find that mid-day is when we tend to be out and about like this too and that makes for some bright skies no matter what angle you shoot from so my pumpkin patch pictures the past few years have had the same issue. But yours still really turned out lovely, they almost have a golden-late-summer glow instead of the classically "good" exposure. I think I need to knit new pumpkin hats because ours didn't last so long!
I've been noticing it a bit lately that your little C has the most soulful eyes....
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
<3 She has always been my shy little koala bear who barely speaks with her mouth (in public at least) but says it all with her big eyes.
Your kids look lovely, how big too!
I haven't had time to even read blogs lately, but I love to stop by and see how you are doing.
Looks like so much fun! I was having the same problem with the sun in pictures just today at a corn maze we went to. We live one state south of you and have sunny skies most of the time (which I'm actually quite grateful for, other than the photography problem). The only thing I have figured out is to play with the angles. Some shots that would be just great will not work no matter what I do. I try not to sweat it and find another shot facing another direction if the one I want to get won't work. And sometimes something I just shoot on a whim works much better than when I'm working hard to find the perfect shot. Not a lot of help, I know.
Love this post! Excellent photos! I am with you on the photo front I am always struggling to get my photos lit right. I have to say, though, I would never think you struggle- your photos are truly fantastic!
Too often my gnome's beards have glowed with too much light! I recently was told to shoot only in RAW format. I don't know if that helps. The buttons on my Nikon D40 confuse me so I mess with them as little as possible. I had a visiting friend who happened to be a photographer play with it a bit last weekend and she said "cloudy days and morning light".
I wish my children would still wear their pumpkin hats now sadly tucked into storage...
It looks like your lovely family had a wonderful day.
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
You are too kind Jessica! I am in love with your gnome photos, by the way. I don't think I have mentioned it :) I will have to look into RAW format. Thank you! XO
Cute group shots with your kids in their pumpkins hats!! Adorable. (As for backlit photography I just try to take so many pictures that one will turn out. haha. That's my great solution.) :)
1 reply · active 540 weeks ago
Hee,hee. I do that too. Thank goodness for digital photography, right?!
Hi Nicole, I am interested in getting more information on Waldorf education so that we might incorporate some practices in our home. Could you recommend a book or some materials I could review for the basics and/or a model? I saw your list on the tab, but I was not sure which book would be a best first choice for an overview on the method. I checked out the website, but there is SO much info it's a little overwhelming. I would appreciate any guidance. Thanks for sharing your story with us :)
2 replies · active 540 weeks ago
Hi Ravenna! Are you looking more for Waldorf education in the schools or homeschooling? For homeschooling I really love the Waldorf curriculum overview Christopherus puts out. You don't need to use their curriculum or anything like that to get it. It's a great introduction to how Waldorf is used in homeschooling. For Waldorf in general (or actual schools) I suggest Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out By Jack Petrash and Waldorf Education: A Family Guide as good places to start. HTH!
Thank you so much.  We have chosen a private parochial school for our daughter, but what I have seen of Waldorf from your blog it seems it might bring balance.  I would really like to bring some elements of it into our afternoon at home and family time in the evenings.  Thanks so much for the information.  I will add your recommendations to my wishlist :)
Love the picture of that Aussie! My mother-in-law has an Aussie who does the same thing: smiles when she greets those she loves. So sweet.

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