Their visit was short (in fact, Little L is still asking me when they are coming, I gently remind him they already came) but it was just long enough to fill us back up with enough love and memories to get us by until we see them again. Next time we will be the ones traveling!
p.s. - If you haven't had the chance to see GMO OMG, go check it out! While I am not a fan of the title (I have this thing against texting slang) I actually really enjoyed it. I tend to stay away from documentaries like this because I rather feel like they are preaching to the choir, so to speak, and they leave me feeling helpless and depressed. But this one, while alarming, managed to lift my spirits and give me hope for change. Maybe it was the music (they did after Mumford and Sons, after all), maybe it was the way he was teaching his children about GMOs, or perhaps it was Monsanto's response to him visiting their offices. Whatever the reason, you need to see it for yourself!