
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Keep Calm Craft On {crafting on}

The act of creating, in one form or another, preserves my sanity amongst the chaos of life. This explains why I always have more than one project going at a time as well as why my housework tends to fall behind. I enjoy seeing what others are working on and keeping calm with, too. What are you creating? What is keeping you going? Snap a picture or two and share it with the rest of us by leaving your link below.

A Crafting On post on my birthday, how very appropriate! As you can see I have been working with that beautiful rainbow of yarn from my knitting basket. It should be a rainbow dress for K when it's all done. I say should because I am following my friend Shelley's mods for the pattern and then trying to add on my own mods to make it fit a nine year old. I am really trying to get ahead of the game with Christmas crafting for once in my life. We'll see if I can follow through as I dive into planning our school year (that may very well take away any crafting intentions I have.)

Oh and just in case you might get the notion that I am a crazy speed knitter - no, I didn't get that much done in one day! The photograph of the yarn basket from yesterday's post was taken last week.

What are you working on?! Happy creating! p.s. - Katherine's beautiful Blossom Tee pattern is now available! You can purchase it on ravelry or go enter for a chance to win one here!

If you would like to link up and share your current works in progress (or finished works) please leave your link below. It can now be either to your specific blog post or Flickr photo. There are no rules, only that your link is current and something about a craft project (of any kind) you are working on. Don't forget that there is now a KCCO Flickr group for you to share your crafting photos at anytime.

Please remember to link back here so that others who may want to join KCCO can find us.

It's as simple as that. Remember your post can be from any day of the week, it doesn't have to be today. We all love feedback so if you have a moment please leave a comment on some of the KCCO posts you may visit. I know from my own experience just how much your comments really motivate me! Now please share and inspire us all!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


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Oh, the colors! I knit these rainbow dresses for my girls a couple of years ago, too :-) And they are still wearing them as tunics..
Beautiful colours really gets me inspired to start knitting again! I think my current work in proses has been going on the whole summer. I got really exited about natural dyeing. So much so in fact that I started blogging about it.
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
Oh nice! We will be doing some natural dyeing this year in homeschooling. I can't wait!
Happy birthday!!!
Happy birthday, enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday! The yarn looks amazing, I can't wait to see it!
hope you have the happiest of days!!!
Happy Birthday from a fellow knitting homeschool Mama! I just had to comment since I just found your blog (love it) and we share a birthday.

May you have a delightful day!
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
Happy birthday!!! So glad you found my little space.
Happy birthday to you! I hope you have an amazing day.

I love the colors of this - wishing you smooth modifications!
Wishing you a happy birthday - we are birthday twins! I'm working on Waldorf doll #2 for my nearly four-year old daughter. Last year I made her the briar rose rainbow quilt that you gave your daughter this past spring.
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
Happy birthday Morgan!
Happy Birthday, I hope you've had a lovely day. I can't wait to see the dress, it made me think of Joseph's technicoloured dream coat.
Ali xx
Happy birthday!
And I love the knitting, what yarn is it?
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
Dream in Color Classy.
Happy birthday!
This basket of yarn is to die for - look at those colors! I especially love the subtle movement in each color, a slight hint of yellow in the green, some orange in the pink etc. Where is it from?
1 reply · active 551 weeks ago
It's Dream In Color Classy. Love it!
happy birthday!! Love that basket filled with knitting :)
Happy birthday! Love, love, love those colors. What an awesome dress that is going to be.
Oh, don't worry about that, you'll need a lot of knitting to have on the side of teaching, because you have to be there while they are working but at same time is like waiting some times, so lots of not-eyes-necesary-knitting will be happening.

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