
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My surfer boy

surfer shorts surfer shorts surfer shorts surfer shorts surfer shorts surfer shorts surfer shorts Welcome to our sagebrush desert! I actually find it rather beautiful but the dryness has me reminiscing about my past life in California - Which brings about dreams of our family living on a farm very close to the ocean, spending every free moment surfing and diving (and perhaps rescuing a few sharks here and there.) Until that dream can come true I suppose it couldn't hurt to have Little L dress the part.

On that note, may I present Little L's surfer shorts and shirt. The fabric is some treasured Heather Ross and the pattern is from Anna Maria Horner's All Set pattern. I started these shorts in early spring so I honestly can't remember what size I made them now but by the looks of them they have to be at least one size too big so I am guessing I made them a size four. The shirt, as imperfect as it is, is my own creation. I just traced a VW bus silhouette off my computer and made it into a pattern piece. I then pinned it to the fabric and cut it out. After that I sewed it on using a zigzag stitch. I still can't decide if I like it or not but Little L seems to and I do believe his opinion is a bit more important on matters such as this.
