
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A bit of this, a bit of that, and a house flood

rose windows rose window making rose windows a gift from big sister rose window made by K for C 038 K's knit shawl for her doll (with rag curls) K's shawl for doll K's knit doll shawl
kitchen window dishes? ladybug on our pepper plant

It's been quite a week here (and it's only Wednesday!) Our washing machine flooded our house earlier in the week. Well, not the whole house. Thanks to K's attentiveness and the quick response of all my children, the water only flooded our laundry room, kitchen and that dark room between the kitchen and living room that I mentioned before. My heroes! Despite the inconvenience of it all, I was so happy to see all of us work together so well in a stressful situation like that.

We have had the washer about ten years and have been having issues with it ripping our clothes (yes, even the handmades) for a long time now so I think it's time to replace it. Of course my vacuum also decided to break but I think having clean clothes is slightly more important. Then again dirty carpet is not something I particularly enjoy either, but our budget can only afford one or the other at the moment. I have been asking my friends for their advice on front loading washers. I don't want to risk it with another top loader, even if that means I won't be able to felt wool projects, (granted I could just go to the Laundromat for that.) So far, the general consensus seems to be to avoid GE and Whirlpool might be a good choice. Do any of you have a front loader you love? We had one in the hotel we lived in when we first moved here and loved it. I need to contact them to see what one it was.

K has been in quite the creative mood as of late. She keeps telling me she wants to learn more and more new things. She found my Rose Windows book and asked if it was something she could try. I haven't made them in years, not since my Waldorf kindergarten teacher friend taught me back in Virginia. K must have been around one at the time. I looked over the book and found a simple design for her to make, and once she got started, she couldn't stop. The first one she made was a gift for C and then she made one for Little L and myself. I have a feeling that isn't the last of them. She even made flowers with the leftover bits of tissue paper.

We somehow ended up with half the neighborhood kids in our house yesterday (what can I say? They love our toys! ) and as I was cooking dinner one of them asked what I was making. I told her that it felt like a breakfast for dinner kind of a night so I was making tofu scrambler and strawberry pancakes. She asked if she could try the pancake batter. I told her yes and when she did she obviously didn't like it, which I expected because we don't use any sweeteners in the batter and they are whole wheat. I explained to her that the maple syrup we pour on top makes them so sweet, that it's like you're eating a dessert. She then gave me a very puzzled look and said, "Maple syrup??? Does that taste like trees? Ick!" Oh how she made me laugh with that comment. Her mama called her back to her house before I could offer her any, but I think I need to share the maple goodness with her in the very near future.

p.s - K found the verse you see hanging above our kitchen sink (in the picture of Little L) and thought it was a good thing to see when she didn't feel like doing dishes. It reads:

Thank God for dirty dishes,
They have a take to tell.
While other folks go hungry,
We're eating very well.
With home, and health, and happiness,
We have no need to fuss.
For, by this stack of evidence,
God's been good to us!


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I hate my front loader and would go with a high efficiency top loader if I had to replace it. It's not just my particular brand of front loader (for what it's worth, mine is a Whirlpool), I hear people with other brands complain of the same issues - some loads don't get clean (depending on what you're washing), mold growth (even though I leave the door open after use) and a bit of leaking water at times. I don't know if you're set on getting a front loader, but if so, be sure to do a ton of research on the one you're considering. It seemed novel at first, but for the long term, I hate it.
I would caution you against a whirlpool duet parsonage because I have one and loathe it and I have read lots of the same complaints about it on cloth diapering websites. So if you may be using cloth in the future, don't buy one. Lots of review I read say the same things I hate about mine in that it shakes the entire house when it spins out, tangles clothing to the point of ripping it, doesn't effectively clean diapers or clothing without several extra rinses or bleach, etc. Yes we tried every wash routine ans product out there for 4 years before resorting to bleach. It's terrible. Don't make my mistake. I would gladly buy another machine in a heartbeat if the budget allowed. I hope others have better advice for you. I'd be pretty frustrated right now if I were you. Good luck in your purchase.
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Thank you. I do *hope* to be doing cloth diapers again soon ;)
Love that verse. My kids are constantly complaining about kitchen chores - I think we all need this reminder frequently!
As far as the washing machine I currently have an Electrolux front load I really like. I have been able to felt in it (I add something like an old shoe to help agitate) and this washer has such a high capacity that I don't have to do laundry as often :). In our house before we had a Bosch washer which I loved for its efficiency and worked in our smaller space.
I love your inspiring projects. And also that your pictures are not farmhouse - love the real life. No tips for the front loader, just a tip to remember that you won't be washing cloth diapers forever -- wish I had taken that into consideration when we replaced our washer 5ish years ago. I love that poem and even more that you display it. I often realize that it's my blessings I complain about and my mind shifts when I listen to that realization.
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Thank you, thank you for your kind words and tip! <3
From the moment we bought a front loader about 6 years ago, we hated it. It was always giving us issues such as being off balance. We had to always leave the door open and the tray for detergent open because mold and mildew would grow otherwise. Last year, the pump that removed the water started to malfunction. Recently we were able to finally purchase a new machine, a high efficiency top loading Samsung. I have been so very happy with its performance! I can wash quite a bit of clothing at one time and they get clean without off balance issues. I would definitely recommend checking out HE top loaders.
I LOOOOVE my Whirpool front-loader. 9 loads a week for 5 years and still going strong.
Oh the joys of appliances when they've had enough! We have had our Miele front loader for almost 10 years and love it. It was a bit more costly than other brands, but we haven't had the frustrations that many other front loader users have so it was definitely worth it. We chose it on the recommendation of a friend whose Miele was still going strong 20 years and two grown children later. Good luck!
Melissa N.'s avatar

Melissa N. · 554 weeks ago

I love K's craft, nice work K! Good luck finding a washer you like. I think I need to finally replace my 15 year old Oreck. I only have area rugs downstairs, and I don't vacuum upstairs much because we have a no shoes policy. But I need to get the best anti-allergy one I can find. I am so allergic! I'm thinking Hepa filter, I know I need to research when I have time. It's so busy right now, it will have to wait a while. I just got Benjamin's new homeschool packet, we are switching to Christian Liberty this year because we want a diploma for him when he finishes in two years, and I am not looking forward to the change. I will now have to schedule (yuck) and send in his work in order to get credit. I miss those simple days when he could draw all afternoon if we wanted to. I was actually thinking of switching him to Oak Meadow because they are a half mile from us, but the expense of it was stunning! Anyway, one last thing, I have that same beeswax mold above my kitchen sink. It's been hanging there for more than 5 years and it's starting to look dirty. Have you ever tried to clean those? I heard using a hairdryer might work. Any suggestions? Hugs!
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Hey Melissa! We have a no shoe policy, too, but somehow the dirt still gets tracked in. I am sure our pets aren't helping the situation, as well as the children going outside barefoot :p
I would love to hear how Christian Liberty works for you. I am fearing this school year because it will be my first attempt schooling two children!
The only cleaning I have done to that beeswax mold is gently rubbing it wit ha cloth. We have had it since Virginia so about as long as you, but it's only out for spring and summer so it spend half the year wrapped up and put away. I wish I had more advice but do tell me if you try the hair dryer!!
We own a front loader. I know my parents had a top loader when we were little but I'd say front loaders are the standard here (Germany). Now the brand we have might not be of any use for you (AEG) but I've never had any trouble with wash not being clean or leaking water. Leaving the door open is not just great against the smell but also for the rubber part, as it lasts longer if you leave the door open (I actually never ever closed the door once, except for when the thing is running). Also, Miele is *the* brand to buy if you're looking for a machine to grow old with but they are very, very expensive (at least here in Germany)...
I'm sorry about your washer but glad to hear that you could manage the flooding situation well. I can recommend AEG as well, my parents bought one almost three decades ago ( the year I was born ;) and it's still washing all their home laundry - four kids later! The doll shawl is so sweet and I really like the verse of the dirty dishes - it is a gentle reminder for me. Maybe I'll translate it to Icelandic for my own household...
Have to agree with Mrs.Kate on getting a Miele front loader.(Made in Germany)We bought ours 20 years ago and it is still going strong! I love the hot cycle for diapers.
Oh how I love this book :) the window roses are amazing and my mum and me still make them every year as gifts for christmas. and i had to share the verse with my family who hates doing dishes. Thank you for your inspirational blog!
1 reply · active 554 weeks ago
Oh I hope my children and I will still be making the rose windows for years to come, too!
We have a Miele front-loader. It was very expensive, but we saved a bit by buying the floor model, when they were at the end of the year and switching models. For this to work, you'd have to find a dealer--maybe in Boise? But it never smells. The key to having a non-smelling front-loader is to make sure that the washer has an on-board heater. Otherwise, you'll always be washing in luke-warm water (since they use so little water, they never run long enough to get truly hot.). This means that eventually, you will have smells and rotting rubber gaskets, since oils will build up on the inner seals and gaskets. So research a brand with it's own heater, and buy a front-loader with confidence!

I'm so sorry for your little friend who's never had maple syrup! What an experience that will be...
We too have a front loader, you cannot buy top loaders very easily here (UK). I have felted things very effectively in mine :) intentionally of course! We have a Bosch but I don't know if they are available in the US? Before that we had a Whirlpool which we used for fourteen years till it broke down beyond repair earlier this year, I wouldn't however buy a Whirlpool now.
Thanks for sharing such peaceful moments! The window roses are beautiful and I could really seem my daughter enjoying those.
Hi Nicole, I love your verse, I think I will put it up in my kitchen too! I love my front loading washing machine, it has been going non stop everyday for ten years without any major problems, it's a simple Bosch model, a very good investment.
Thank you so much everyone for your advice!!
We just recently moved to the states from Germany. The ONLY thing I asked my husband to buy was a frontloader washing machine lol. In Germany frontloaders are standard and Miele is the brand to go. My husband got a whirlpool though. We want to go back to Germany again so we didn't want to spend too much on a washing machine.
I really love your verse and I think I will also put it in my kitchen :-)

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