
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Waldorf Homeschooling (and a giveaway!)

Waldorf Homeschool

Can I let you in on a little secret? I have been struggling with planning my Waldorf homeschooling with K. I have studied Waldorf education for almost eight years now but my focus has always been on early childhood education. I had only skimmed the surface of lower and upper school education.

We were so blessed to have spent four years at the school of our dreams (Portland Waldorf School) and when we had to leave our dream for Idaho, I knew that our deep love of Waldorf education would lead us to homeschooling. I was already homeschooling C anyways (Waldorf kindergarten) so adding on second grade with K didn't seem like a big deal. BUT here is my biggest issue - the only model I have ever know is an actual Waldorf classroom. I know homeschooling can not replicate the classroom and to try to do so is just setting myself up for failure. I know this, yet my brain just can't seem to translate how to do it all in a home environment. Now each time I sit down to prepare I get overwhelmed with all of knowledge and information at my fingertips. My lack of confidence has shaken me so much that I can't seem to wrap my head around something I love  and that should be relatively simple.

That's where the books you see pictured above step in. I already wrote about A Little Way of Homeschooling but today I want to share  The Waldorf Home School Handbook with you. This book came to me when I needed it most and I am so grateful for that. I have already read it cover to cover but I keep it on my nightstand for constant  reference and inspiration.

quote nothing is worth more1 quote the beauty of the waldorf school1

It is written by Donna Ashton. You might recognize her name. She is president and founder of The Waldorf Homeschooling Connection, a company dedicated to teaching homeschooling families using Waldorf Education how to simply and successfully create their homeschool.

Donna really simplifies things and brings you back from feeling overwhelmed to feeling like I can do this! I have been using the daily rhythm guide featured in the book to get myself back on track and to figure out areas that haven't been working for us. For example, I wasn't balancing our in-breath and out-breath activities and didn't even realize it until it was mentioned in chapter two. I have since begun adjusting our rhythm and things are already running smoother.

A little more on her book:

Homeschooling can be complicated and frustrating, especially if you are overloaded with information. The good news is that you don’t have to figure it out alone. Donna Ashton’s The Waldorf Home School Handbook is a simple and step-by-step guide to creating and understanding a Waldorf-inspired homeschool plan. Within the pages of this all-in-one homeschooling guide parents will find information, lesson plans, curriculum, helpful hints and the secrets behind the three Areas for Optimum Learning. Join Donna as she guides you through the Waldorf method and reveals how to educate your children in a nurturing and creative environment.

Her book also features:
-Tailored curriculum
-Teaching methods and materials
-How to plan
-Meal planning
-Daily rhythm maps

Today Audrey Press is offering one of you lucky readers your very own copy of The Waldorf Homeschool Handbook.

WH-Cover-Flat-400px tall copy

For a chance to win, simply leave a comment on this post!

If you would like an additional chance to win:
-post this giveaway to Facebook, Twitter, or your blogr

ETA: Please make sure you comment via intense debate and not via blogger on your phone. If you comment using blogger it gets deleted and cancels out all of the other comments in the process. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for understanding!

and please make sure to come back and leave me another comment letting me know you did so! I will close comments on Wednesday February 12th and announce the winner within this post that night.

You can also purchase the book here at a special price of $16.95.

Comments closed!

The winner is:
I would love to have this resource!
Congrats Heather! Please e-mail me at: farmergopi (at) yahoo (dot) com

